Barnes and Noble Pre-Sale

There is a limited time offer from January 24-26th only on Presales of The Blood Dimmed Tide from Barnes and Noble.

If you pre-order it in this time, you will get 25% off, and if you are a Rewards Member you will get an additional 10% off.

Getting books into physical brick and mortar bookshops is difficult, as has proven the case for a lot of authors lately, both in Barnes and Noble and here in the UK in Waterstones. Pre-orders send a clear message to the bookshops, it shows support for the series and it does really help get the word out. So if enjoyed The Judas Blossom and want to read book, I would really appreciate a B&N pre-order. Thank you for the support.

Order it here – Barnes and Noble

Of course you can also do the same in the UK and pre-order it from Amazon or Waterstones, although there is not a discount for them. – Waterstones

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